Erfahre mehr zu unseren Affiliate-Links
Wenn du über diese Links einkaufst, erhalten wir eine Provision, die unsere redaktionelle Arbeit unterstützt. Der Preis für dich bleibt dabei unverändert. Diese Affiliate-Links sind durch ein Symbol gekennzeichnet.  Mehr erfahren.

Gelir Modelleri

What are affiliate links?

In addition to editorial links, there are also shopping links in our articles, for example to online retailers such as These links may be marked with a shopping cart logo, for example. If a visitor to our site clicks on such a link, we sometimes receive a commission for it - for example, if the person buys something on the linked website after the click, concludes a contract or similar.
Clicking on one of our affiliate links does not incur any additional costs for the visitor.

Affiliate links are not advertisements

An integration of an affiliate link does not affect our editorial coverage. Whether and how much an affiliate link is commissioned is always independent of what the editorial team writes about. Also test results, product reviews and the like are in any case unaffected by the existence and / or amount of affiliate commissions.

Where can affiliate links appear?

Affiliate links can generally occur on all of our content - both in articles on our websites, as well as in newsletters or apps operated by us, for example. As a rule, affiliate links set by us can be recognized by a shopping cart symbol in the link text. However, it can also happen that affiliate links do not have such a symbol. This can be, for example, places where we cannot display the symbol for technical reasons. In general, any link to an offer that does not belong to Ströer Media Brands GmbH may be an affiliate link.

Any questions?

If you have any further questions about affiliate links that are not answered by this text, please feel free to contact us at any time at

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